01822 840474
Customer Codes
We don't like rules more than you do, but for the convivence of everyone we have prepared a Customer Code to explain current practices on the Yard. These have been drawn up in accordance with the standard WQB Terms and Conditions to provide guidance.
Vehicles should be parked on the road side for free.
Always leave your keys at the Office so that your vehicle can be moved if necessary to allow yard operations.
Please let the Office know when you expect to return: telephone if it is likely to be outside normal working hours and you need your keys.
Trailers and cradles
Trailers and cradles not in use may not be left in the Yard except by agreement and will then be charged at a standard weekly tariff.
All trailers and cradles should be marked clearly with the boat name.
Boat keys
It is very important to ensure that we have duplicate boat keys at all times to gain access and start the engine if required.
Pontoon and slipway
The pontoon is available for temporary berthing and for loading and unloading. It is also used for day-to-day Yard operations. Please keep your stay on the pontoon to a minimum.
The slipway may be used for the launching and recovery of tenders and dinghies at any time, having regard for other users and Yard operations.
By arrangement the slipway can be used with WQB equipment and staff which is subject to standard service tariffs.
All tenders, inflatables, oars, outboards and equipment must be clearly marked with the boat name.
Outboards stored in the shed are not covered by the Yard's underwriters and are stored entirely at the owners risk.
Tenders will be charged at the standard weekly tariff.
When your boat is on a mooring, tenders should be stacked neatly in the dinghy racks and tied securely.
When your boat is ashore, tenders should be either removed from the Yard or stored under or on your boat.
Please do not leave launching trolleys in the Yard at any time.
For security reasons, please notify WQB of the date and duration of the planned use of your boat.
WQB provides suitable mooring strops. You are advised to fit a secondary rope or chain, passing through the shackle at the bottom of the mooring buoy, for the better safety of your vessel. This is a requirement from October to March.
If you wish to use a pick-up buoy, please ensure the boat name is clearly marked on the buoy.
In general boats will use the same mooring for a season. For the safety of all boats and to allow normal Yard operations, it may be necessary to move boats permanently or temporarily to alternate moorings from time to time without notice.
Tools and ladders
Due to Health and Safety regulations we at WQB are not allowed to lend either tools or ladders to our customers. Customers are required to bring their own equipment for use at their own risk.
Due to Health and Safety regulations customers are not allowed to go into the Yard workshop unless invited and accompanied by a member of the WQB staff.